Pasta with Pesto Beans and Potatoes

Hi, today I am sharing an easy recipe for Pasta with Pesto Beans and Potatoes.

Pasta with Pesto Beans and Potatoes

Yes, this Pasta with Pesto Beans and Potatoes has pasta and potatoes together, but give it a try 🙂 .  If you don’t want to have pasta and potato together leave the potato out or, make it into a potato salad.
To make the pesto, you can use my Basil Lemon Pesto recipe.  If you are in a rush or tired (like myself these days) you can use a store bought pesto.

What have you got planned for the weekend? We are not too sure what we will get up to, having a little baby has made life a little bit unpredictable.  However, i wouldn’t change it for anything else 🙂

I hope you enjoy xx


Pasta with Pesto Beans and Potaoes

  • 180-200 pasta
  • 100 g runner beans
  • 100 g potato
  • 100 g pesto
  • salt and pepper
  1. Put a pot of water on to boil and cook the potatoes. Once cooked, remove the skin and roughly cut up into medium sized pieces.
  2. Put a pot of salty water on to boil and cook the beans. Once cooked remove them with a sieve or a slotted spoon and cut into roughly 1 cm pieces. Keep the water to cook the pasta in.
  3. Cook the pasta as per the instructions but remove 1 – 2 minutes before it is finished.
  4. Drain the pasta (reserve some water) and then place it back in the same pot. Add the cut potatoes, beans and pesto and finish the cooking off.
  5. If it is looking a little dry, add some of the pasta water to the pasta to keep it from drying up. Add some freshly ground black pepper, check the seasoning and keep mixing the pasta so it cooks evenly.


Pasta with Pesto Beans and Potatoes


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