Hi, i hope you are all keeping well and the start of your month has been a good one. So with Halloween around the corner I wanted to make a few little Halloween Characters and the first one I decided to make is this Halloween Pumpkin.

Tutorial and Materials Used
For this tutorial I used very few tools and a tiny bit of of Saracino Modelling paste. I used some orange, black and white paste. For the purple hat, i just mixed some red and blue that I had left over. For the dusting I used orange dust food colour.
The materials I used were: a 3cm polystyrene ball, ball tools, water, craft knife, dusting brush and a dresdend/ veining tool.
If you are having difficulty with your sugar paste, if it is too sticky you can add some tylo powder to you paste to make it a bit firmer. You can also add some corn starch on your board or onto your cake topper or hands so it is does not stick.
Below I will show you some of the steps of how I made my Halloween Pumpkin Cake Topper.

My sugarpaste Ball is slightly bigger that my 3cm polystyrene ball. Below you can see I cut a small amount off the polystyrene ball. This is so it can sit flat.

I use a little bit of water to help the paste stick to the polystyrene ball.

I use a ball tool to make indentations for the eye in the Halloween pumpkin, you can make your smaller of bigger. Have fun and play around.

Use small tic tac shapes to fit into the size holes you have made into you pumpkin. Then add some black to the eyes, use a bit of water to help you paste to stick.

Use your dresdend/veiner tool to add lines to your pumpkin.

Add a mouth by using a ball tool and the add some black to the mouth. Make a little ball for his nose and add some eyebrows.

The hat you can see how I made in the video, add a little stripe around the hat and then paint a little buckle with some gold or black if you wish. Do some dusting and the send me a picture on Facebook of how you little Halloween pumpkin turned out.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, next I will be showing you how to make a halloween skull.
Keep well xx
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