Easy Summer Melon Salad-3

Hi, I hope you  are having a lovely day.  Today I am sharing a really easy 5 Minute Summer Melon Salad.

Easy Summer Melon Salad-4

It is really getting warm here, I think it is going to reach and maybe go beyond 30° this week.  I am really not looking forward to it… it is just to hot for me.  As you can gather I am not a fan of really hot weather, I just do not (can not) cope.

So when it is so hot, the easier the meal the better it is for me 🙂  This salad really does not take long and is so simple and so rewarding, especially if you are having some hot weather. It’s also great just to make up and eat it as a snack when you are feeling peckish.

We ate this 5 Minute Summer Melon Salad as our main meal and shared it between the two of us (there was only a tiny bit left, that got eaten when I was a little hungry).  I love the pop of flavour that the blueberries add to the dish.

Are you also experiencing hot weather?  I must say, I am not sure if I am looking forward to the summer, to try and stay cool is not easy, I think it is much easier to warm up than cool down, what do you think?

I hope you have a good week, I will be back on Friday with something super yummy, easy, chocolatey and if you are having guest over it can be made before hand, can you guess what it may be 🙂 ?

I hope you enjoy xx

5 Minute Summer Melon Salad

  • 1/2 honeydew (skin and seeds removed and roughly cut up)
  • 1/2 cantaloupe melon (skin and seeds removed and roughly cut up)
  • 125 g blueberries
  • 1 cucumber (cut into chunky quarter pieces)
  • juice of 1/2 of an orange
  • 1/2 tablespoon runny honey
  1. Place the melon’s, cucumber and blueberries on a serving plate. In a small bowl mix the orange and runny honey together and then pour it over the fruits and serve.


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